The following resources from the CSG Justice Center provide more information on the importance of reentry housing efforts nationwide and how the Zero Returns to Homelessness vision can help jurisdictions achieve progress.
- Action Points: Four Steps to Expand Access to Housing for People in the Justice System with Behavioral Health Needs: This brief presents four steps state leaders should take to increase housing opportunities and improve justice and health outcomes for people in the justice system with behavioral health needs.
- Breaking Down Barriers: Lessons from Housing and Justice System Collaborations: This web article looks at how states are reducing barriers and increasing housing opportunities for people leaving incarceration.
- Building Connections to Housing During Reentry: Results from a Questionnaire on DOC Housing Policies, Programs, and Needs: This national report outlines current practices, highlighting areas where policymakers can direct efforts to increase connections to housing.
- Explainer: Building Effective Partnerships with Continuums of Care to Increase Housing Options for People Leaving Prisons and Jails: This web article presents answers to four frequently asked questions about how to build effective partnerships with local housing Continuums of Care.
- Explainer: Creating Housing Opportunities for People with Complex Health Needs Leaving Incarceration: This web article describes why housing is essential and highlights steps that communities can take to develop individual buildings as well as support cross-systems approaches to increase the supply of supportive housing.
- Reducing Homelessness for People with Behavioral Health Needs Leaving Prison and Jail: This state-level report highlights 5 areas where people experiencing homelessness in California face the greatest challenges in accessing housing and provides 10 recommendations for leaders to take action.
- The Role of Probation and Parole in Making Housing a Priority for People with Behavioral Health Needs: This brief highlights actions community supervision agencies can take to leverage evidence-based practices and engage with community-based partners for housing success.
- Web Post: Federal, State, and Local Leaders Gather for First-Ever National Reentry Housing Symposium: This web article highlights three major themes that emerged from the National Reentry Housing Symposium to help state and local leaders take action toward reducing returns to homelessness.